Tathra Public School works harmoniously with the local community to deliver innovative Aboriginal Education Projects.
Take a walk around our school with Gjumurrah and her dad, Graham, to learn some language of the Yuin language group, and to discover the rich resources growing right here in our school garden.
The Bega Valley Shire Council’s Tathra Town Team, headed by Cliff Shipton, has supported the school on many occasions to celebrate the rich Aboriginal history and culture of the area. Cliff recently came to school to inspect the two signs the team will put into place, ready for the launch of four signs in the community, which will take place on Tuesday 12 August. The school is most grateful for the effective partnership established with the Bega Valley Shire Council and extend appreciation for this valuable support offered.

Established in 1912, the school services Tathra and the surrounding areas of Kalaru and south to Bournda. The school retains a blend of traditional values and culture with a comprehensive school program evolving over the years from regular review, advice and refinement throughout the 90s.
The school charter, developed in 1995, articulates the educational intentions of the school as five outcomes to be demonstrated by each student as they exit the school. It provides future-based directions integrated into classroom and school programs. These are assessed and advised in the students’ reports.
Contributed by Tathra Public School published in 2013.